Assertive Criminal Defense Attorneys Serving DuPage, Cook, and All Surrounding Counties

Addison, IL Criminal Defense Lawyers
There is an old Latin phrase: audaces fortuna iuvat or fortune favors the bold. In a nutshell, this is our approach to a criminal defense matter. Very few battles are won when a general sits and waits for the enemy to advance. In the same way, the best way to achieve a positive result in court, or during pretrial negotiations, is to seize the initiative.
At Stringini & Garvey, P.C., we couple our boldness with 65 years of combined experience. So, our attorneys serve as a strong voice for you. An effective defense is a process that begins with open communication. That is why we promptly respond to your phone calls and emails so that we can forge an effective partnership.
Who We Are
Skilled attorneys with a passion for individual rights form the core of our law firm. While we have handled many cases over the years, we have not forgotten that each case is unique and must receive the utmost attention to detail. This attention comes from an attorney because your case is not handed off to someone else. Also, Robert F. Stringini is a former Assistant State's Attorney with years of experience in the legal field.
Our attorneys do not work alone, however. The firm also contains a dedicated group of paraprofessionals and support staffers. Everyone on your defense team is prepared to work as hard as possible to bring about the best outcome possible. You should not accept anything less, and neither do we.
What We Do
We focus on criminal defense, specifically serious criminal matters, DUI, and traffic ticket cases. In the United States, our system rests on two basic principles: a fair trial based on the facts and the presumption of innocence. It is our obligation to help ensure that each client receives both these things to the greatest extent possible, and it is a vow we take very seriously.
Our work is not limited to the inside of a criminal courtroom. Since many cases involve driver's license suspension or another administrative component, we provide effective representations in these forums. In a similar vein, our work does not stop once the judge's gavel falls. We stand ready to assist with an expungement proceeding that can wipe away a criminal record and any issues related to probation or parole violations.
In all these areas, we employ a flat rate fee structure so you that know the costs upfront, and there are never any hidden fees. To experience the difference for yourself, contact Stringini & Garvey, P.C. at 630-834-9595 for a free consultation. After hours and jail visits are available.